Dynamic Assessment of Hearing Aids (DAHA)

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the Dynamic Assessment of Hearing Aids (DAHA) using touch screen technology for a population of adult hearing users. Unlike traditional questionnaire methods, the DAHA has clients use an intuitive graphical computer interface to record visual analogue ratings of satisfaction with various features of their hearing aids (e.g. clarity, cost, appearance). The DAHA items assess satisfaction with hearing aids within four domains: communication, physical features, sound quality, and personal reactions. The touch screen technology will facilitate the use of the DAHA as an outcome assessment among elderly clients who represent the largest group of individuals with hearing loss. The implementation of this outcome assessment through modern technology (iPad) that is readily available in many clinics will increase the likelihood that clinicians will administer an outcome assessment.  This type of assessment encourages an individualized approach to the management of hearing loss that is central to client-centered care and is essential in an evidenced-based profession. This work is sponsored by a Foundation grant from SLHS.