Oyer Award Winner

Brittney Dullard was selected as the 2014 Oyer award recipient.  The Oyer award is an internationally competitive student research award named in honor of Herbert J. Oyer, Ph.D., a charter member of Academy of Rehabilitative Audiology and leader in the field of audiologic rehabilitation. The award recognizes students completing exemplary research in the area of audiologic rehabilitation.  The Aural Rehab Lab is very proud of of Brittney and her work.  The honor is well-deserved.

Self Efficacy and Hearing Aid Use

Congratulations to lab member, Brittney Dullard, who successfully defended her dissertation titled “A Comparison of General and Task-Specific Measures of Self-Efficacy in Adult Hearing Aid Users” on August 18, 2014.  Brittney will present the results of her study at the Academy of Rehabilitative Audiology in Philadelphia, PA in September.

Academy of Rehabilitative Audiology

CALL FOR PAPERS – 2014 ARA Institute
Academy of Rehabilitative Audiology
September 7 – 9, 2014
Philadelphia, PA

Share your research, case studies or AR programs at the
ARA Institute 2014 in Philadelphia, PA
We want submissions from all areas of audiologic/aural (re)habilitation.

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: June 15, 2014 (notification by July 1st)

Visit: http://www.audrehab.org/callforpapers.htm